AfricaNenda: Key Trends Shaping the Instant Payment Systems Landscape in Africa

The instant payment systems (IPS) landscape in Africa is vibrant, propelled by the growing need for faster, interoperable, more secure, more affordable, and more convenient retail payment options. As of 2023, there were 32 live public or public-private…

Al Etihad Payments: Aani Instant Payments Platform - Redefining UAE's Financial Landscape

The Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates is actively pursuing digital innovation through the Financial Infrastructure Transformation (FIT) Programme. Among other key objectives, the FIT Programme focusses on driving financial inclusion, promoting…

Towards Digitalising Payment Systems for Financial Inclusion in South Africa

South Africa is considered by many to be a dual economy where a large percentage of the population live in poor conditions in rural areas, and another significantly large percentage are wealthy and live in urban areas. Many of the people that live in…

Arab Monetary Fund: Reflections on the Future of Payments

I see five macrotrends, driven by a combination of consumer preference, technology, and regulation, that will affect the future of payments and define how payments will look in the next couple of years.

Discover Global Network: Advances in Technology Bring a World of New Approaches to Payments

How can central banks, banks and domestic payment schemes utilize P2P digital wallet solutions to gain access to traditional point-of-sale methods of payment, giving more local control over domestic payments, while easing the technical and operational…

Payments in Kenya: Past, Present, and Future

In this series of articles, the Central Bank of Kenya explores recent developments in payments in Kenya, in line with the Bank’s vision of being A World Class Modern Central Bank. The country's payments ecosystem has undergone major developments and shifts…

Instant Payments: Cornerstone of a Future Digital Payments Ecosystem

A conversation about instant payments with Deniss Filipovs, Strategic Business Development, and Edgars Bremze, Lead Strategic Product Manager, at Tietoevry

Bank of Ghana: Enabling MSME Growth Through FinTechs

The Bank of Ghana is committed to finding new and innovative ways through policy direction and projects, to promote the growth of MSMEs more than ever before. The Bank continues to support the industry as well as the FinTech ecosystem to bring more benefits…

The Big Differences Between CBDC and Mobile Money

When considering CBDC versus mobile money, the similarities between the two technologies outweigh their differences. Yet, CBDC is said to be different from any other type of payment instrument including mobile money, card payments, or electronic funds…

Afghanistan Digital Payments and the Rise of AfPay

The Afghanistan Payments System (APS) was spearheading the modernization of retail banking in the country—and was poised to ride that momentum well into the future—when the Afghan government collapsed in August 2021. Ahmad Shakir Wali, Managing Director…